Hubungan Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Kolostrum Di BPM Dewi Suyanti Tahun 2020

  • Saddiyah Rangkuti Universitas Haji Medan
  • Dewi Suyatni Universitas Haji Medan
Keywords: Health Education, Knowledge of Pregnant Women


Breastmilk (ASI) is the most important baby food especially in the first months of life. Exclusive breastfeeding or more appropriate giving Exclusive breastfeeding is that babies are only breastfed without the addition of other fluids such as formula milk, oranges, honey, water, tea, water without added solid foods such as bananas, papaya, milk powder, biscuits, rice porridge, and the team. This study uses a quantitative research type, with a crosectional design, the population in the study were 43 pregnant women in the third trimester at BPM Dewi Suryani. The samples in this study were all 43 trimester III pregnant women at BPM Dewi Suryani as many as 43 pregnant women starting from June - August 2020, as many as 43 with a sampling technique, namely total sampling. Research results There is a significant relationship between health education and knowledge of pregnant women about colostrum at BPM Dewi Suyanti in 2020, with a p value = 0.001 (p <0.05). This means that the better the health education that pregnant women get about colostrum, the better the knowledge that pregnant women have about colostrum. Conclusion There is a significant relationship between health education and knowledge of pregnant women about colostrum at BPM Dewi Suyanti in 2020, suggestions for research sites, especially doctors, midwives are expected to increase education about the knowledge and behavior of giving colostrum with language and delivery techniques that are easily accepted, so it is expected can change the perception / assumptions and bad habits of colostrum.

How to Cite
Rangkuti, S., & Suyatni, D. (2021). Hubungan Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Kolostrum Di BPM Dewi Suyanti Tahun 2020. Journal of Midwifery Senior, 4(2), 55-65. Retrieved from