Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan WUS Tentang Flour Albus Di BPM Dewi Suyanti Tahun 2020
The problem of reproductive fertility is very important for women of childbearing age (WUS) to know, women's estrogen levels are often relatively stable or even increased, and the activity of women of childbearing age is more active than women who are not in the fertile period. health education on knowledge of WUS about flour albus at BPM Dewi Suyanti in 2020. This study uses a type of pre-experimental research, with a One Group pre-test and post-test design. The population in the study were all women of childbearing age who visited BPM Dewi Suyanti. Data collected in January - June as many as 30 women of childbearing age who visited Dewi Suyanti's midwife practice, the sample in this study was purposive sampling technique, with the research technique using the Chi Square test. The results of this study There was a significant influence on WUS 'knowledge about flour albus before being given health education at BPM Dewi Suyanti in 2020, the majority was less, namely 6 respondents (60.0%), WUS knowledge about flour albus after being given health education at BPM Dewi Suyanti in 2020, the majority was good namely as many as 5 respondents (50.0%), a significant effect of health education on WUS knowledge about flour albus at BPM Dewi Suyanti in 2020. It is recommended that health workers, especially midwives, should include genital hygiene material in health education and routine programs for WUS by utilizing the program. existing programs, such as counseling to schools, IVA examinations, classes for pregnant women and classes for mothers for babies / toddlers.