Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemanfaatan Rumah Tunggu Kelahiran oleh Ibu Bersalin di Puskesmas Onan Hasang Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Tahun 2019

  • Indah Yani Tambunan STIKes Senior Medan
Keywords: Home waiting for birth


A birth waiting hospital is a place near health facilities (hospitals, puskesmas, poskesdes) and is used as a temporary residence for pregnant women and their companions, while waiting for labor to arrive or a few days after delivery. The referral chain of birth waiting homes begins with Atenatal Care (ANC) checks and the Implementation of Delivery Planning and Complications Prevention (P4K) in the village so that every pregnant woman is registered, monitored and received services according to standards. Non-risk pregnant women who live in a birth waiting hospital near the poskesdes or puskesmas are able to provide delivery assistance, while pregnant women with high risks who are expected to need special medical action at delivery should be sent to a birth waiting house near the hospital. This study used a descriptive analytic method with a cross sectional approach, namely by collecting data at a time at a time in order to find out the relationship between factors that influence the use of birth waiting homes. The results showed that there was a significant influence between the socialization of birth waiting homes (p = 0.003) on the use of maternal waiting homes at Onan Hasang Community Health Center in 2019, there was a significant influence between husband / family support for birth waiting homes (p = 0.02) on the use of waiting homes for births by mothers who gave birth at the Onan Hasang Community Health Center in 2019, there was a significant influence between the attitude of the waiting house for births (p = 0.008) on the use of the waiting house for births by mothers who gave birth at the Onan Hasang Puskesmas in 2019.

How to Cite
Tambunan, I. (2020). Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemanfaatan Rumah Tunggu Kelahiran oleh Ibu Bersalin di Puskesmas Onan Hasang Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Tahun 2019. Journal of Midwifery Senior, 2(1), 43 - 51. Retrieved from http://midwifery.jurnalsenior.com/index.php/ms/article/view/29